Tuesday, January 12, 2010


If you have Lyme Disease, you probably feel guilty a lot.  For not doing enough for your kids, your spouse, your family, your pets.  For how much it costs for treatment & how much every member of your family has to sacrifice for your care, meds, supplemnts, diet, etc.   Guilty, because you may lay around all day while every one else picks up the slack. 

On another note, my feeling good didn't last.  That always happens, you wait days to post because you don't want to jinx yourself.  And then you post and for me a few hours later. . . .  It's okay though, because I am not at my worst.  Just back to not really doing anything. 

Oh I forgot to post yesterday that I have noticed the past 4-5 days+ that my hair is no longer shedding!!  I am losing the normal amount of hairs!! YAY!!  Only thing I did was add the OPC stuff, but that can't be it, right?  Especially when dealing with the hair, it wouldn't help that fast, right?  Well, whatever it was, I'm happy about it!

1 comment:

Renee said...

I understand the feeling guilty part....even as an empty nester when I am feeling really awful and my lyme sick hubby has to do more it does not feel right!
Glad to hear your hair has stopped shedding....I went through that too.