Monday, March 29, 2010

On vacation from Lyme Disease

I have been taking some time off from having Lyme Disease.  Oh, you didn't know you could do that?  Ya, I'm on vacation from Lyme Disease.  Okay, okay, it's not like I planned it.  I have just been having good days.  Yesterday was my 11th good day in a row.  JEALOUS?  Well if you have Lyme Disease, maybe you are.  :)  So today is day 12 & so far I feel just fine.  My legs are weak & achy, but hey, you get what you get and I'll take it as long as I don't have to be in bed all day. 

Anyway, I have been feeling good & living.  My parents came and put in the rest of the garden.  YAY!!  And they are coming back again next Saturday to finish off the watering system.  If and when I ever move I can just move the garden with me.  It's brilliant!!  I have done tons of laundry, gone grocery shopping with the fam & made my kitchen sparkle.

I am shooting an interview for a Lyme Disease public service announcement.  May is Lyme Awareness Month.  I am so happy to be involved you have no idea.  It makes me feel like I am actually DOING something.  They will be here to shoot some time around the 1st.  YAY!  Here is the link.  You can help too:  Lymenaide

Oh and P.S.  My blood work is being sent to Igenex today for my Western Blot panel.  PLEASE pray for a positive.  Please. . . .  I'm nervous and these next 2 weeks are going to drag.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am soooo totally jealous of you but I am so glad you are feeling well! I am glad you have gotten to have some 'normal' days, you deserve them! I will be praying for your tests results! Please keep me updated if you don't mind. I never heard back from Lymeaide