Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

I have to say that 2009 has been the worst year of my life.  But then again, I was lucky to get married to my wonderful husband this year.  So is it fair to say that this has been the worst year of my life?  I wish I could do my wedding all over again.  Being that I was sick and having cognitive & emotional issues due to the lyme, I was not "all there".  I wish I could give it a go again with a clear head.  I wish I wasn't so stressed out and could actually enjoy it.  I wish I would've been able to enjoy my out of town guests more.  I felt like I was going crazy and I am sure they thought I was too.  Ah, I can't take it back.  I hope they all understand that that was not really me they were dealing with.  They were dealing with Lyme. 

Aside from the lyme disease, I went through this period from February through April where I had extreme anxiety & panic attacks.  Not sure if it was due to the lyme disease, since that is a symptom, or due to the stress of planning a wedding.  It was very hard, and scary to say the least.  But my soon to be husband stepped up to the plate and got me the help I needed to get through it.  I went to biofeedback, to a cognitive therapist & tried other therapy.  I learned how to deal with it and I got over it.  I thought THAT was the worst thing to ever happen to me.  Until lyme disease. 

We'll never know how I got lyme.  I truly don't think I was infected by a tick.  I still think it was either a flea or a mosquito.  But I'm going with the flea.  I saw one at the foot of my bed when I was changing my sheets (I have 3 indoor dogs).  I remember seeing a bite on my foot while walking with my neighbor Pauline early in the summer.  In my heart, I think that's the one that did it.  However, none of my dogs appear sick in any way.  And dogs get lyme disease also.  I worry about next flea season.  I need to find a natural remedy that actually works.  Two of my dogs are sensitive to topical treatment & I am skeptical about putting pesticides on them.  But I worry about the rest of my family.

Goodbye to the year 2009 ...  ... . thank God it's over.


Nani Luculescu said...

you know, my dad does NOT recall a tick bite either, but does know he was bit by mosquitos & whatever gnats & things that were out there in Mammoth, CA. I assumed he was bit by a tick, but he never found one.

Jennifer said...

Sonya, if you decide to do the recipe blog .... let me know. I can help you with the setting it up.

It's not too difficult to set up a new blog to where other people can post, BUT .. there is a setting you have to use in order to let them.

Also, You have to be careful with monitoring it. My Praying for Lymies blog ... used to be set up to where people could email the blog with new posts, but I got so much spam that it was ridiculous. I had to cut it out for a while. I *still* get spam on the blog for it.

I set it up to Email 2 Blog, but that I had to go to Blogger and approve each message prior to it posting. This way ... I could monitor the spam and not so nice messages without the whole Lyme community seeing them.

Imagine how bad it would be if some mean person wrote a nasty message to Lyme patients and they saw it. I decided not to risk it.

Don't know if you've seen my praying for lymies blog. Here ya go. :) Welcome to 2010